Pebble on the Beach
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(c) Andrius Gruzdaitis|
In 2013 a stunning 13,704,819 blogs have been created – on WordPress alone!
Now, you must have been waiting for my blog to come forward, right?
Here are some family, friends and colleagues that have worked or shared experiences with me.
Also, in my post “15 Meanings. Who are You?” I am partly giving away who I am at the core.
Andreas Erbe, former colleague at Swisscom and founder of
“Look to Lars if you are trying to find someone highly disciplined with a sense of humor at the same time (that’s rare – it really is). Particularly when it comes together with an unusual combination of skills, knowledge and experience. Lars knows his left brain and his right brain. I’ve worked on several projects with him over the years and while many managers nowadays will babble about concepts such as “holistic”, “systemic”, “agile” and “co-creation” – Lars actually works that way. He is adaptive, imaginative and structured at the same time. And again – I would know – I’ve experienced work with him on projects as diverse as billing processes, facilitating workshops or designing spaces. In short he is productive and fun to work with.”
Patric Bhend, I hired him years ago and he was part of my Billing Experience dream team. Now he’s the CEO of Solina (
“While others are interested in concepts, all Lars cares about are results in real life. He manages like almost no one else to implement theory into practice and to really pull along others. With his entrepreneur skills he’ll bring real start-up feeling to the party – with an incredible focus on scoring that goal!”
My mother, lawyer, trying to retire. She wrote a touching, personal essay when I asked her to provide a statement for my blog. Here’s what I picked from it.
“As a grown-up Lars is very busy, but creates time for things that are of value for him. I’m proud he still loves reading. Even Omar Khayyam, Tsingis Aitmatow and Mikael Niemi. He is a speedy reader and a turbo thinker. He finds his way, if not on the given A4-sheet, then outside of it or even on its backside. His expectations are high, his children would claim. He puts them especially high for himself.”
Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch, winner of our „beauty contest“ when we scouted the consultant with hands-on experience for our Lean project. I haven’t met anyone as passionate, stubborn on lean principles and powerfully pragmatic – all at the same time. (
“Whether at sea or in business, Lars is thorough to formulate a robust goal and only then to pursue it. As the captain he will stick to this vision, and handle tricky wind and other conditions with playful flexibility. The situations encountered on the journey can’t be too new or complex for him, he’ll inspire his team to use the learnings made on the way. His secret recipe: Speak in simple images that everyone understands. He is a master at this!”